Regional Crisis Hotline: (888) 544-9986

Greater Columbia Behavioral Health, LLC

Toll-Free Customer Service Line: (888) 545-3022


GCBH's Programs

GCBH BH-ASO supports and participates in several non-crisis programs

Community Behavioral Health Rental Assistance 

The Community Behavioral Health Rental Assistance (CBRA) program provides a permanent rental subsidy for high-risk individuals and households with behavioral health conditions.

Children's Long-term Inpatient Program

The Children's Long-term Inpatient Program (CLIP) is the most intensive inpatient psychiatric treatment available to Washington State residents aged 5-18 years.

Family Youth System Partner Round Table

Washington State Family Youth System Partner Round Tables (FYSPRT) provide a forum for families, youth, systems, and communities to strengthen sustainable resources by providing community-based approaches to address the individual behavioral health needs of children, youth, and families.

Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Navigator Program

The SUD Navigator Program provides community-based outreach, intake, assessment and connection to treatment services for individuals struggling with SUD, who encounter law enforcement and other first responders. 

Peer Support

We're here to assist individuals and families with advocacy and resources, connect Certified Peer Counselors (CPCs) with Behavioral Health Agencies who are hiring,  as well as provide trainings, community outreach, and presentations on areas of interest to peers, providers, and families.

Youth Access and Resource Program

The Youth Access and Resource Program (YARP) is a collaborative effort among agencies and individuals dedicated to improving coordination and access to behavioral health and other supports for school-aged youth with complex behavioral health needs.

Opioid Abatement Council

Program coming soon